This story

There is a common denominator between all of the arts and disciplines that we explore - story; the need to express and receive perspective as a means to create the world. Story is powerful and universal.

It is all of us.

A thousand years ago, I remember sitting in a small, movie theatre/classroom with some of the smartest, most creative (and most ambitious) people I’ve known. Arrived from all over the world, we were in New York to learn about filmmaking. In that theatre, the instructor said something like - your production value can be a little tattered, your equipment inexpensive and your camera angles off only if your story is impeccable. Your audience will stay with you for a great story. Focus on relating the story.

Many years later, having told stories using every conceivable technology at scales both epic and intimate, in digital and analog formats, using passive and interactive approaches, I come devotedly back to story. We can make anything. But why? What’s the story? Half Sister Studio wants to tell yours.

Thank you for being a part of mine.


Half Sister x MidJourney